Gillard or Abbott

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Wiki verses Blog

What is the difference between a wiki and a blog?

A blog, or web log, shares writing and multimedia content in the form of “posts” (starting point entries) and “comments” (responses to the posts). While commenting, and even posting, are open to the members of the blog or the general public, no one is able to change a comment or post made by another. The usual format is post-comment-comment-comment, and so on. For this reason, blogs are often the vehicle of choice to express individual opinions.

A wiki has a far more open structure and allows others to change what one person has written. This openness may trump individual opinion with group consensus.

In an aducational context a wiki can enable a poll on a subject, have available documents for editing and provide a short list to specific subject areas. I feel that wiki's can provide a larger range of prospects, prospects that I'm in the process of discovering. Go Digital Immigrant, keep your head up.


  1. Soon you won't be a digital immigrant at all, you'll be a pro!!

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  4. All that is good and well but can you see yourself using a wiki or a blog in your classroom?
